Protecting against financial loss when the unexpected occurs begins with learning about your situation. Our advisors initially spend time learning about your business or family in order to understand your goals and objectives.
Once a Montridge advisor understands more about your business or family situation, they will then quantify the size of the need. This involves understanding what business or personal losses may occur in the event of an unexpected illness or injury.
With the size and nature of the needs uncovered, an advisor will work with you to determine which of several options work best with your timeline and budget. This may involve purchasing additional insurance or adjusting existing coverage to better suit your needs.
Key Person coverage is designed to provide funds to a company in the event that an executive or specialist within the firm dies or is unable to work at their usual capacity for an extended period. The purpose of the coverage is to flow funds to the corporation to offset revenue losses, increased expenses, or to repay outstanding loans.
Shareholder coverage is often part of a formal agreement and provides cash to purchase the shares (or partnership interest) of a deceased or disabled shareholder.
Many firms purchase life insurance but fail to address what will happen in the event of a prolonged disability or a serious illness. Some companies also fail to review the plan on a periodic basis to ensure that it continues to provide adequate coverage.
Marriage, the birth of a child, the purchase of a new home or preservation of one’s estate are the most common reasons someone buys life insurance. Our advisors will work with you to not only protect your family if you were to die but also protect your income if you were to become disabled, or seriously ill.
We will work with you to identify debts to be paid, contingency funds to be set aside, and the amount of income your family will need each month to maintain their lifestyle should you die unexpectedly. Equal consideration will be given to ensuring that there is adequate income available each month if you were to become seriously ill or disabled.
Employee retirement and savings plan available with corporate and personal insurance, tailored to wellness corporate solutions.
Employee benefits including corporate and personal insurance available for all sizes of organizations.